Sensei Everything #15 : The Traveling Souvenir

2 min readJan 18, 2023


Life is like a journey, and each experience we have is a souvenir that we collect along the way. Each step we take and each decision we make shape our journey, just like a traveler carefully selects the perfect souvenirs to bring home as a reminder of their trip.

Our memories and experiences, like the souvenirs we collect, hold a special meaning and significance that is unique to us. They remind us of the places we’ve been, the people we’ve met, and the lessons we’ve learned. They help to define who we are and shape the person we will become.

Just as a traveler must choose which souvenirs to keep and which to let go, we must also be selective with the memories and experiences we choose to hold onto. Some may bring us joy and inspiration, while others may be painful and difficult. But each one is a valuable part of our journey and contributes to our growth and development.

Like a traveler returning home with their souvenirs, we too will return to our final destination with the memories and experiences we have collected throughout our journey. They will serve as a reminder of the path we have taken and the person we have become. So cherish each moment, collect the experiences and hold on to the memories that matter the most, they will be the keepsake of your life journey.




Written by taitern

Titipun is the founder of Flipped Face and THAIGHOST NFT projects, and is well-known among Thailand's creators as a contributor.

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